Wednesday, May 7

Apparently people still check here even though it's been a while since I've written anything.

I wonder why. Does it mean someone is interested in my life?

I suppose if you are, then perhaps you'd like to know why I stopped writing.

I've found it's a lot easier for me to forget things if I don't write about them. If they stay in my head I forget them pretty quickly and can just live.

I haven't been depressed as much. I think. At least not seriously. I think it was last week it started again a bit. I'm not sure, my sense of time isn't the best currently.

A couple of nights ago I was thinking to myself, as a conversation to someone else, like I used to. And I started crying, pretty uncontrollably. That scares me. I don't want to go back to that sort of thing. I haven't told Nicholas that I'm scared.

I've missed blogging. It makes me feel like I have some sort of friend to talk to, at any time, about anything.

I talked to Elyse, like a month ago. Neither of us are good at keeping up with communication.

So here I am, having a conversation with myself, publicly. I've had a hard day. Lots of crying, but I just don't want to talk about it here. I just don't feel like talking to myself.

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