Saturday, April 6

Work today was so long and exhausting. I do have three new things lined up now though. I have a consultation on Monday, a babysitting job the following Monday, and a future skill teaching job after that sometime.

It's kinda scary. I'm not used to any sort of success. I keep being worried I'm going to fail or take on too much.

As for my personal life, there's this guy I like. I met him at my friend's birthday dinner last week. He seems really awesome and I am super attracted to him, but I don't really think it's going to go anywhere. I told him that I like him, so he does know. I sorta feel like I screwed up any possible friendship or anything by outing that to him. I'm mostly trying not to worry about it, but it's difficult. And then of course part of me wonders if maybe I just like him because I've been alone so long and stuff, but I don't really know. I'm not really getting a whole lot of opportunity to talk to him to find out either.

I'm sad. I don't really know why. I'm probably just lonely. I was like that yesterday too, I actually cried even. It'd been a while since I really cried. I feel like crying now actually, but I don't know if I really want to.

After work I came home, ate some pizza, talked to Garrett barely, and then passed out for about four and a half hours. Got up, ate some more, talked a bit to Hasan and then Skyped with Rohtaga for nearly two hours.

So that's about it for me. I'm still tired too. Or rather again I guess, as I wasn't tired when I got up. Kinda sucks, being sad and tired, just like before. I think I'm going to go pass out again. I have my cousins tomorrow, so I need to clean up in the morning. Plus I have to be awake.

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