Monday, April 22

I had an odd dream last night. Odd because normally such a dream would be a nightmare for me.

I dreamed I was still in love with Garrett. He was visiting me too. There was some weird being in highschool stuff too.

I mean I didn't wake up terrified or sweaty or anything. It was just sort odd.  Generally anything concerning Garrett or highschool is a nightmare, but this was okay. I kept kissing him though, even though I knew he has a girlfriend and doesn't really feel like that to me. It was kinda funny because at one point I remembered that I am mostly having a period right now, which explains all my oddness. I love how I on occasion remember something from real life and it enters my dream like there's nothing odd or weird going on.

So I'm more or less having a period without all the cramps and blood right now, which is fun. Well there is a little blood. Today is the day my birth control stops to make way for a period, which seems like fun. Considering I've already been having a somewhat period for at least five days now, I'm thrilled to jump into a real period for like a week.

I need to wake up and stuff, I have a bit of work I need to do today. All I want to do is crawl back into bed and sleep. Even the weird Garrett dream doesn't put me off sleep. Plus I'm cold at the moment. All the more reason to go back to my warm mostly comfy bed. I say mostly comfy because my back has been sore, but that's another periody thing. Still, I imagine my bed could be comfier.

Fuck it, I'm going back to bed. I'll work when I get up.

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