Monday, September 17


So Snipes read my blog yesterday. Yesterday in the technical sense. Sorta did not expect that. I'm not really bothered by it anymore.

So let me tell you about Snipes. You know I met him in Minecraft but pretty much nothing else. He's nineteen and I play Killing Floor with him. Of course the really important and memorable thing is I think he's hot. Pretty much just in a physical way, not sure I'd really want to date him. And now for the bomb, he looks like Garrett. Just a little. Initially I was just like "omfg you have got to be kidding me", now I'm just all "that's Snipes". I don't mistake him for Garrett at all anymore, not even at like a glance, but he reminds me if him. The way his face is when he laughs, it's the same as what I remember of Garrett. Seriously. And the Garrett I met all those years ago. So there's one of my dirty secrets.

And then I sort of wonder if there are other people out there who look kinda like me. I mean there must be but I never think of it. To my mind I am completely unique.

Yep, I just told you the guy I work at not flirting with looks like Garrett and am not going to talk about it. I'm fine, really. It's a small victory for me I guess.

I wonder who the people that look like me are and about their lives. Are they vastly different from me? I think about the movie Dark City a lot. I'm having a hard time formulating this into words. Mostly because I am extremely tired and barely keeping my eyes open. So I'm going to leave this as is and explain later.

Goodnight readers.

1 comment:

John said...

I need to see Dark City. It seems to have popped up so many times in various podcasts and keeps getting recommended to me.