Thursday, June 14

Lurkin' in the UK

So there's definitely another UK lurker. Today's hits confirm it. Also some reader uses a mac. It still amazes me that someone I'd never met is a regular reader. I really can't imagine my life being so interesting strangers want to read about it. Even people I know don't really care to read here. The ones that do do so more out of concern than interest. Well, at least that's how I see it. I could be wrong.

Today went well. My appointment with Eric was well, odd, and somehow awesome. It was more intellectually stimulating than normal. We talked about narcissism, my beliefs, and my loneliness. I can't remember exactly, but he said something like that I was brave for being so honest about my loneliness. I really couldn't understand. To me, that's about as normal and thoughtless as breathing.

Kidsitting went well. I need to get Sims 3 working on Hannah's computer. I didn't manage to get it operational while I was there. So I guess at some point I'll have to abduct it and give it another go here at my place. Internet out there is terrible.

For some reason I'm really enjoying LMFAO tonight. Champagne Showers in particular. I'm not sure if I should be worried.

Oh, and back to kids, I promised them I'd bring them some dubstep next time. They know of deadmau5 from their classmates, but have never heard any. They do not know of Skillrex. I got to explain the dub wars. Also that David Guetta is a guy and an electronica artist, not a vocalist. This is what being raised without internet does. Fergus requested more American Dad. It was an interesting night.

So back to my blog lurkers, it bothers me a little that I have UK lurkers when I only ever really knew people there other than Gary. Bothers isn't the right word. Maybe unsettles, I'm not sure. Basically it makes me feel weird. Well the idea that I'm interesting enough to bother reading on a fairly regular basis just makes me feel weird in general. I think I might actually be less weirded out if I started getting strange emails or something. I'm odd. Creepy stalking bothers me less than simple readership.

As always feedback and comments are welcome. Well, most of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I promise not to be an ass anymore. And it is concern and you are a good writer that is why I read your words. I know I must let things be but, I so look forward to the day the Past stops you from moving forward. He is not such a creeper as he is afraid to let you know that he still cares enough to read but not brave enough to speak. You are not the only one that feels alone btw. Some choices are made cause they have to be done not cause they wanted to be. Me I am just to dumb not to speak :p